Yenny Halim


  • Bachelor of Economics from Universitas Tarumanagara (B.E)

  • Bachelor of Law from University of Krisnadwipayana (LL.B.)

  • Masters of Law from Universitas Indonesia (LL.M.)


Yenny Halim has extensive experience in advising clients on all aspects of Intellectual Property (IP) management, protection, and enforcement. With over ten years in the IP field, she finds it challenging yet rewarding to grow the business and consistently meet clients' expectations. She has spoken at various international forums and workshops and has received numerous prestigious awards for her work. Yenny is a registered IP Consultant and managing partner of Acemark Intellectual Property


  • AsiaIP - IP Expert

  • Asian Legal Business - Asia's Who's Who 2018

  • Chambers & Partners

  • Managing IP - IP Star

  • World Trademark Review 1000